10 January 2012

Ohh Baby....

It's a beautiful night
We're looking for sumting dumb to do
Hey Baby
I think I wanna marry you...

Hehe...best tak lagu tu?Arini dia bagi breakfast for me so that's why yang mcm2 bunga orkid sket nih....HEheh....Jangan jeles...K la, nk sambung keje...Da da....

09 January 2012

Monday Blues...

Don't feel like working today... Hwarhhhh....Yesterday went to Melaka for makan angin with him and mama. Then pusing2 satu Banda Melaka, got myself 3 bracelets and mama bought herself 2 bags for daily use and surau. He bought himself a Malacca T-shirt . Eventhough it is short, but ok la for a day trip like that...Tired today but he came to fetch me for lunch @ Amcorp Mall. So best if he can come everyday....hehehehehhe.... :)

03 January 2012


A very unpleasant way to start your new year at work... Damn!!!