23 June 2011


achuummmm!!!!! dah berweb blog ni...sibuk sgt sampai mmg tak der masa nk update...sorry la..well, dengan azam yang membara..mulai ari ini, 23.06.11, sy akan mula mengupdate blog ini klo boleh every single day..wpun dengan sepatah kata.... wokes!!

apa yg blh direcall balik, bulan 5 celebrate mother's day, with HIM inside the picture kat Bora Ombak. Then, da tukar our E-Day is on October... klo tak aritu nk tukar gak our W-Day to October but mama said next year jer la.. ok...

then been busy with the office work....yg tersangat hectic sampai kdg2 mkn pun tak berapa nk hengat... by the way, HE dare me to kuruskan badan within May - July. If I managed, then i can asked anything from him....superb!!

for our E-Day, barang yang baru dibeli is only the kain for akad nikah..the rest lom lagi sbb...nnt2 la....semua benda ready made...so tak berapa nk rushing sgt la... 5 - 7 dulang... nnt2 la pikir nk bagi aper but he requested frm me perfume from body shop, which is his favourite... ader je la...

i was planning on wearing blue on the day, and didn't tell him yet about the planning...some sort of suprise la...coz he is so into blue so much.... muah!!!! sayang awak...hehehehehhe....