1) 05.07.11 - 06.07.11 : ISO Trainning
2) 09.07.11 : Blood Donation Shopping
3) 11.07.11 - 14.07.11 : Internal Audit
4) 19.07.11 - 20.07.11 : Blood Donatio Drive
5) 20.07.11 : Trainning
6) 23.07.11 - 24.07.11 : Network Conference
The office hour ends every nite at 9.30pm, but the climax of the month is on 22.07.11 when i went back at 10.00pm, and then at 00.00 Thevan & Yusof (the transportation Coordinator for Network Conference) came ang fetch me to go the venue. When we reached the at about 00.30, the technical guys (Simon & Hakim) yet to arrived except for Kar Heng. We waited there until 3.00am when we finally gave up and then went to Mamak to freshen up ourselves sebab dah terlalu mengantok. Then at 3.30 they late comers gave us a call and we went back to the venue.
Sampai kat sana, Thevan & Yusoh went back to the hotel to sleep while i was still at the hall monitoring the set up. Up until 6.30am baru habis, Kar Heng went back at 5.00++ whereas me, Hakim and Simon are still there setting up the projector and computers. At 6.30am, the games coordinator arrived and i was so damn sleepy. Finally, gave a call to Zaini and he helped to send me back home at 7.00. Dapat laa tido sejam when at 8.00, "He" helped to send me back to the venue.
Boleh tak time my CEO punya speech i tertido.... And the whole day i was like a zombie.....
Penat la...nnt la plak smbg...nk continue wat keje lak...