28 December 2011

Writable Wednesday...

Today we have Subway sandwiches for lunch since we managed to cut the buy-1-free-one coupon from the newspaper and it was nice.  boring nk keje....macam nak tido jer sepanjang ari...boleh tak? but still got pay for that la...hmmmm.... i wonder

24 December 2011


Arini ari Sabtu...and I'm working....Last week pun da keje but since Mama suh tukar sbb next week nk kene g kenduri, so here I am again at office. Borink sbb sorang2 kat dept. but still need to settle 1 big project (assigned by my beloved boss) before end of the month...so  terpaksa laa..

Tadi Is hantar g keje,so sempat la g sarapan dulu.... Best tol klo ari2 ada orang hantar g keje, jemput balik....Hmmmm but jarang sgt nak dapat peluang cam2 ari2 sbb Dinda keje siang, Kanda keje malam... Mmg sebijik sejabak lagu Kanda Dinda tu ngan idup kitawang skang ni.....

                                              Kekanda Adinda

Oh Kekanda jangan irihati,
Dinda naik pangkat lagi..
Oh Adinda, Kanda mana dengki,
malah Kanda support bini..

Jadi Dinda mahu mengambil masa
Tapi Kanda mahu segera,
Dinda ingin berjaya dalam kerjaya,
Tapi Kanda mahu cahaya mata,
Dinda belum bersedia,
Kanda dah beria ria,
Jadi yg mana satu?
Tak perlu bertengkar,
Tak perlu bermasam muka,

Oh Adinda, tolong jangan lekas curiga,
lekas cemburu buta
Oh Kekanda, Dinda perlu berhati hati,
tak rela dikongsi,

Kanda kerja overtime, terlebih masa,
Itu yg Dinda harus berwaspada,
Ini semua demi masa depan keluarga,
Dengan Dinda atau sebaliknya?
Kanda kerja malam,
Dinda kerja siang,
Jadi bila nak bertemu?
Tak perlu bertengkar,
Tak perlu bermasam muka,

Oh adiwira, dewataku, mari ikut cara Dinda!
Oh Tun Teja, intan permata, mari ikut cara Kanda!
bagaimana? bagaimana kita nak selesaikannya?
apa keputusannya?

Oh Kekanda mari Nyawa, kita cuba komunikasi!
Oh Adinda mari Sayang, kita cuba toleransi!

Walau kita janji sehidup semati, kita berlainan,
Kanda polar kutub Utara,
Dinda kutub Selatan
komunikasi, sikap toleransi! itu yg kita perlu,
Tak perlu bertengkar,
Tak perlu bermasam muka,

Walau kita sering dgn cara masing2,
Kanda yg Perdana,
Dinda yg Utama,
Kanda sgalaNya..
Dindalah Nyawa,
 kita tetap bahagia bila bersama sama
bahagia bersama,
bersama slamanya,
bahagia slama- lamanya!

23 December 2011

It's Friday..

Yee haa.....arini bos tak der, so main pasir laa sepanjang ari nih...Hih HIh hih.....(gelak jahat nih). Lagipun skang tengah lunchtime, so sambil makan sambil update. Hmmm....skang nie tengah pening nak wat preparation yang tak tahu nk prepare aper.... Kompius laa..... nak mntk tlg saper pun tak tahu :(.... Next year la start wat preparation boleh?

Malas betul nk keje skang ni...tapi wat to do...have too...klo tak saper nk bagi ko makan cik Linda ooi?? >:~).... Aper lagi nk tulis taip ni yer....tak per laa...nnt2 kita sambung...selamat hari jumaat!

14 December 2011


Hello...well, let me see where i left...Hmmmm.....oh yes, the boss is not in (holiday) so the work stress is lesser since the Asst.Mgr is taking the part (in his dream) of becoming the boss. He can just divided his work to all of us then what he did was looking at the stock market for half a day. Then went out lunch at 11.50am but came in at 1.40pm (we managed to catch a glimpse of him walking around PJ state when we were coming back from lunch, Today, he can even go out (with the reason to stamping) from 9.00am until 2.00pm. How kewl is that? Totally taking advantage of the situation (boss not around). All of us are so annoyed with him so we decided to not pay attention to him when he talked to us. I knw its not good to treat people like that but he is so over the line already. All he knw is segregating his job where twds the end, his not doing anything at all !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

13 December 2011


elooo....today is already tuesday and the first day to work for this week since yesterday was a holiday..so cam biasa borink to woek but still need to come to work. eh....gtg

09 December 2011

Hello December....

pjm celik pjm celik da masuk dec..end of the year alrdy....da lm tak update blog...teramat2 busy......even pasal w-day pun tak  sempat nk plan betol2 lagi....so teruk kan? malas betol nk keje gak sekarang nie...  eh ok laa.... nk g lunch dulu...lapa kot? muah muah